Why are laser hair removal procedures sold in packages

Why are Laser Hair Removal Procedures Sold in Packages?

Tired of ingrown hairs and tiny red bumps that crop up after shaving? At your wit’s end with the fuzz that appears two days after waxing? If you’ve had enough of the back-and-forth, never-ending hair removal process, laser hair removal might be the answer to your woes.

Laser hair removal is a procedure in which a laser (a concentrated beam of light) is used to remove unwanted hair – a great option for anyone who’s sick of conventional hair removal options like shaving, waxing, threading, and tweezing.

But before you book an appointment, dreaming of a stubble-free life, it pays to be informed. For example, did you know that laser hair removal procedures are sold in packages? Read on to find out why.

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

Laser hair removal involves “zapping” the hair follicles with pulses of highly concentrated light. The pigment in the hair follicles absorbs the light. The follicle gets heated up and is destroyed. So, what the laser essentially does is vaporize the hair. The majority of people who undergo laser hair removal report a permanent reduction of hair after about six treatments. Results will vary.

The laser treatment puts the hair follicles in a prolonged state of dormancy. It reduces the number of unwanted hairs. And if the hairs grow back, they’re finer, lighter, and fewer in number. A maintenance treatment every year can keep any stray hairs from cropping up.

Why Does Laser Hair Removal Need Multiple Sessions? 

If you’re looking for results by summer, it is best to start your laser hair removal treatments in early fall. The procedures are scheduled to accommodate the hair growth cycle, which typically lasts four to six weeks.

The hair growth cycle has three phases. The growth phase (anagen) is when the hair grows in length. The transitional phase (catagen) is when the hair follicle shrinks and detaches from the skin. The resting phase (telogen) is when the old hair rests and ultimately sheds, as a new hair starts growing.

When you undergo a laser hair removal treatment, every hair follicle doesn’t respond to the light pulses. That’s because the laser only acts on actively growing (anagen) hairs. Some of the hairs, which are in the resting phase, are spared. You need multiple sessions, usually spaced four to six weeks apart, to get them all. If you’re regular with your appointments, every hair follicle will eventually get zapped.

What does laser hair removal feel like? 

For the six months when you’re undergoing your laser hair removal sessions, you’ll need to make sure your skin is clean-shaven with your old friend, the razor. The laser hair removal procedure is well tolerated with the new advancements in laser technology. At Village Dermatology, we provide several methods of decreasing any discomfort, including the use of topical numbing cream on the areas being treated.    

How Soon Will I See a Difference? 

The number of hairs reduces by 10 to 25 percent after the first session. You can expect to see a real difference after your third laser hair removal treatment. 

Why Not Just Do At-Home Laser Treatments? 

There are dozens of at-home laser treatments on the market, including some FDA-approved devices. Sounds convenient, right? The idea that you can zap away your hair while watching your favorite Netflix series on a Saturday night?

It might seem like you’ll save time and money, but you could end up with complications you didn’t bargain for. Experts are dubious about at-home laser treatments. At best, they don’t work. At worst, they can cause serious damage.

The laser works by targeting the pigment in the hair follicle. At-home lasers are only effective when there’s a great contrast between the skin and hair color. Meaning at-home lasers only work in people with a light skin tone and dark hair.

At-home hair removal lasers are much less powerful than office lasers (For good reason.) A laser can be dangerous in the wrong hands, causing scars, burns, and permanent changes in skin color.

Dermatologists warn that people tend to be aggressive at home, often double and triple pulsing areas they’re not supposed to. It’s easy to get carried away in the hope for faster, better results without understanding the harmful consequences.

 Which Areas are Appropriate for Laser Hair Removal? 

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that you get a laser hair removal technician trained by a board-certified dermatologist to perform your laser hair removal procedures. This will ensure you can get rid of unwanted hair safely and effectively. The following areas are deemed appropriate for laser hair removal:

  • Neck
  • Shoulders
  • Chest
  • Back
  • Bikini area
  • Face (excluding brows)
  • Full legs
  • Full arms

The treatment duration depends on the area being treated. An upper lip session might take only a few minutes. Larger areas like the back or legs may take up to an hour.

For the best results from your laser hair removal treatments, you should carefully follow your aesthetician’s after-care instructions. This includes avoiding direct sunlight on the treated skin. Your skin will be slightly red and swollen, like a mild sunburn. Most people return to everyday activities immediately after having laser hair removal, although patients are strongly discouraged from working out for 48 hours after treatment.

Last but not least, laser hair removal isn’t only for women. More and more men, sick of razor burns, ingrown hairs, and acne breakouts, are seeking laser hair removal to permanently eliminate unwanted hair.


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