How much does CoolSculpting cost?

CoolSculpting Cost

One of the most frequently asked questions we get is, “How much does CoolSculpting cost?”  This is one of the most challenging questions to answer in the written form, but we are going to give it our best effort here in this blog.  Before we dig into the details, you, as an educated consumer, need to understand a couple of different terms.  The first term you need to understand is a “treatment.”  A treatment is anytime one of the applicators (sometimes called a handpiece) is placed on your body.   The second term to understand is “session.”  A session is a single appointment you have at our clinic for your CoolSculpting procedure.

Simple Explanation

The confusion usually comes when a patient confuses a treatment with a treatment session.  Very simply: You can have multiple treatments during one session.

You are charged for CoolSculpting by the treatment.  At Village Dermatology, we offer discounts, the more treatments you receive.

How many CoolSculpting treatments do I need?

Once you have had a consult with our Master CoolSculpting specialist, you will be provided with a custom treatment plan  for approximately how many treatments you would need in order to reach your goals.  We generally complete all the treatments you need in one session.  For example, if you need between 1 – 8 treatments, then we can generally perform those in one session.  However, if you need more treatments, than that then you may need to come back to the office for another session.

What you are actually paying for with a CoolSculpting treatment?

There are plenty of medical practices out there that have legitimate CoolSculpting machines.  The machines are calibrated exactly the same, and if you stack one machine beside another there is no difference.  The thing you should be looking for is a medical practice that has 2 elements:

  1. An experienced CoolSculpting provider

    • The way fat presents on each individual requires an expert eye to assess how to effectively treat each area with the handpieces.  If the assessment is incorrect, then the wrong number of treatments will be suggested, and the incorrect handpieces will be used.  Both of these will result in poor results.  Here at Village Dermatology were are fortunate to have our Master CoolSculpting Specialist, Jane Vickers, performing all of the consults and treatments for our practice.  Jane is one of only and handful of Master CoolSculpting Specialist in the southeastern US.
  2. Handpieces for every body type

    • There are many different types of handpieces available for medical practices to purchase.  Each handpiece is designed to place on a specific part of the body for the best result.  If the incorrect handpiece is used on a patient, then this can result in a poor result.  Each handpiece costs a substantial amount of money.  So, not all practices have every handpiece.  Fortunately, at Village Dermatology we have every handpiece available for our patients so that we can offer the appropriate solutions for every patient.

BUYER BEWARE!  Very low CoolSculpting Prices

There is a difference between CoolSculpting and other “cryolipolysis machines.”  CoolSculpting is the only FDA Approved device for removing unwanted fat cells through cryolipolysis.  Because of the success of the CoolSculpting technology, there has been a rash of machines popping up and being sold (almost always from outside the US) as alternatives to CoolSculpting.  These machines have not been tested, and safety and efficacy are completely unknown.  Because these machines are being manufactured and shipped in from outside the US without any regulatory oversight the cost to purchase a machine is pennies on the dollar.  Thus practices that buy these machines offer “fat freezing” treatments at substantially lower prices to unsuspecting customers that think all fat “freezing treatments” is CoolSculpting.

CoolSculpting Cost Conclusion

We genuinely hope this helps to clarify the question concerning “How much does CoolSculpting cost?”  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call or explore our other articles on CoolSculpting by clicking the links below!

Learn more:

Are CoolSculpting DIY alternatives safe?


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